VectorizerPath allow you to automatically parse and render SVG graphics expressed in valid path syntax format. Simply copy and paste the string in the d attribute and paste it in the Data property. Works also with valid XAML data. If the string is valid, you will see the graphics instantly appear in your editor, otherwise you will see an error message in the log window, with some details on what part of the SVG commands was not correct.

Stroke Thickness

It defines, in world units, the width to use to draw the outline of the figure. If it is equal to zero, the Stroke part of the mesh will not be drawn.

Has Fill

If set to True, the Fill part of the figure will be generated (marked by VectorizerInstructions of type Fill). Otherwise, it will be ignored even if a material is assigned.

Curve Tolerance

Controls the tessellation of curved lines. The lower, the more vertices are used. Only relevant for figures that have a Radius property or, for VectorizerPath, the accuracy of the curve commands (Beziér and Elliptical arcs).

Some SVG graphics might not work properly in Vectorizer. This is because when importing SVG graphics not designed for Vectorizer, some problems that would not be apparent in a vector graphics design environment would surface when in a 3D application. For example, self-intersecting polygons, overlapping strokes, hollow parts, etc. Try using the Stroke Depth Offset material to make sure the stroke part of the figure always appears on top (to avoid Z-Fighting). If the triangulation of the fill part of the figure does not appear correct, try to make sure that the vertices are specified in counter-clockwise order and that they are not collinear (i.e. that there are no three vertices that belong to the same line).

The code for these icons comes from the Bootstrap icon library .